<aside> 🔥 Latest releases :

Crew is quick to implement and onboard. In fact, you can be up and running in as little as 10 minutes!

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Key Features Overview

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👩‍🎨 Detailed How-tos ?

Create & use Templates

AI Generated Icebreaker

Create & Archive - Projects

Create sequences

Use & Send sequences

🤖 How to link a sequence to a project (default sequence)

[🤖 I have sent the sequence, now what?](<https://crewwork.notion.site/Use-Send-sequences-7f55ce61a5954866a9f2ed228e8ad5fb>) 

[🤖 What to do if a talent replies to a sequence?](<https://crewwork.notion.site/Use-Send-sequences-7f55ce61a5954866a9f2ed228e8ad5fb>) 

[🤖](<https://crewwork.notion.site/Use-Send-sequences-7f55ce61a5954866a9f2ed228e8ad5fb>) [How to log a reply manually?](<https://crewwork.notion.site/Use-Send-sequences-7f55ce61a5954866a9f2ed228e8ad5fb>) 

[🤖 How to stop a sequence](<https://crewwork.notion.site/Use-Send-sequences-7f55ce61a5954866a9f2ed228e8ad5fb>)

[🤖](<https://crewwork.notion.site/Use-Send-sequences-7f55ce61a5954866a9f2ed228e8ad5fb>) [How to stop all ongoing sequences in a project](<https://crewwork.notion.site/How-to-stop-all-ongoing-sequences-in-a-project-5c6e78d8468c49a283fdb8f45cc79321>)