The Icebreaker is a free text area that you usually add to personalize for instance your first sentence of the first message.
You can fill it manually when adding the talent on the chrome extension, while going through his LinkedIn Profile
Or let AI do it for you, by clicking on the “Draft with Crew AI” button, and enter your own prompt. The AI will use the info from the talent’s LinkedIn profile (experiences, job’s description, education, skills, company’s industry etc…) to generate the Icebreaker
1/ Enter your prompt
You’ll get the result
You’ll have then 3 options
As for the language used by the AI, by default it’ll follow the one you have set up on Settings > Profile > Spoken Language, but you can ask it the translate it by entering a new prompt.
Once added, when sending an email, a LinkedIn message, or a sequence to a talent or a sales contact, the variable $Icebreaker will be automatically filled with the content of the Icebreaker field, for better personalization.