Add a talent from LinkedIn to Crew

Once you've installed the chrome extension, you'll be able to use it from within linkedIn.

  1. Start by searching for the talent you’re searching for, on LinkedIn or on Recruiter.

  2. Then hit the “Add to Crew” button, or click on the chrome extension icon


<aside> 💡 Tip: On Linkedin Recruiter, in a search list, navigate profiles with LinkedIn’s arrows, either the talent are already in Crew and you’ll notice a badge “Crew” next to their name (more here), or you’re interested in adding/reach out to them which you can do in a few clicks. If not you can visit the next talent.



  1. Select a project If a default sequence (more about this here) was set for the project, it’ll be automatically filled.



  1. Choose if you want Crew to search and enrich email adresses for you, and/or Phone Numbers When sourcing a new talent, if the “Enrich” toggle is activated (blue), the system will automatically search for the talent’s contact information. There are two separate toggles: one for emails and another for phone numbers. To retrieve both an email and a phone number, ensure that both toggles are switched on.

Note: These settings persist across talents, meaning if you’re sourcing in bulk, you can keep the toggles activated, and the system will continue to search for emails and/or phone numbers for all the talents you are sourcing.


  1. Add an Icebreaker or let AI do it for you (more about this here).

  2. Choose a source Note that you can create your own sources on Settings > Sources


  1. If you selected a project and a sequence, then by clicking on “Add & Review sequence” will take you directly to the sequence review, so that you can check if everything seems right (content of the messages, content of variables etc…), and you can even add more personnalisation to the message.